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Weltweiter Versand, kostenlos für Bestellungen über 300 € (Asien 600 €).
The Resin is tested with time, one of the longest-running surfskate shapes from Carver, that stayed the same for years. Why change something that works perfectly.
Deck: Single Kick Surfskate
Achsen: Cx or C7
Rollen: 69mm Mag Smoke Concave 78A
Sie erhalten ein kostenloses Sickboards-T-Shirt, wenn Sie für mehr als 150 Euro bestellen.
Wir haben einen eigenen Parkplatz direkt vor der Tür
Sie erhalten kostenlosen Versand nach Benelux und Deutschland, wenn Sie für mehr als 100 Euro bestellen. n
Sie können Ihr unbenutztes Produkt innerhalb von 100 Tagen zurückgeben (siehe unsere Richtlinie).
Weltweiter Versand, kostenlos für Bestellungen über 300 € (Asien 600 €).
The resin is a pretty wide board, with just the right length. That makes pumping super easy, as well as just snapping the tail out of turns. Carve this hill on ditches, or warm-up before paddling out. This board has special Concave wheels, that are sticking into carves and shooting you out with great speed.
You can choose to set-up your board with either the C7 or CX trucks. Cx will allow you to catch some air and ride fakie, and C7 Will let you pump with power, and feel like you are surfing. You will also get the 68mm Roundhouse wheels, perfect for holding traction and fast pumping.
Cx trucks
Lightweight TKP truck. It has patented geometry, which makes pumping much more efficient. This means you can get all of your energy straight into pumps, and move forward. The fact that this truck is based on standard skate TKP trucks, makes landing airs and riding fakie easier than on C7. This can help you with air maneuvers, and even riding switch!
C7 trucks
The truck that started it all. This is the one surfskate truck, that made surf skate the real thing. Made to be the fastest pumping, smoothest turning truck ever, it has a patented system of the second axis on the front truck, which will let you snap the nose and pivot from the tail. This will drive you to the front with great speed. How alike this movement is to surf, is why a lot of pros and amateur surfers choose these trucks to train their moves.
Roundhouse Wheels
These wheels are designed specifically for Carver trucks. They offer tons of grip and traction. The lips on these wheels are made in a way to optimize the pump, and it will feel like a wave is pushing you out of every sharp turn with them.
Length: 31"
Width: 9 3/4"
Wheelbase: 17"
Nose: 3 1/2"
Tail: 6 1/4"
Construction: Maple
Main Use: Surfskate
Mounting of trucks: Topmount
Kicks: Single Kick
Drop in deck: No
Truck Option: C7 or CX
Truck Color Option: Raw
Wheels: 69MM Concave Smoke 78A
Bearings: Built-In
Grip Tape: Deck Pad
Hardware: Stainless Steel
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