Rogers Bros. Brake Sole Pro
  • Rogers Bros. Brake Sole Pro
  • Rogers Bros. Brake Sole Pro

Rogers Bros. Brake Sole Pro

14,95 €
Incl. 21% VAT

1 Quantity = 1 Brake Sole, enough for one shoe

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Tired of killing your brand new shoes, footbraking to a stop after an epic downhill run? We'll my friend, it sounds like you're in need of some Rogers Brothers Footbraking Soles.

Sold individually, they come in two different thickness, Pro or Standard, and come in rectangles made of a new super secret very durable material. These last much longer than the v1 brake soles!

The Pro is perfect for normal everyday riding; Thin so you still have great board feel, and the rubber actually grips better to the board than stock shoe soles. The Standard is a little thicker and is meant for the rider who footbrakes a lot.

We like using the Pro sole on our front and back foot for extra grip and shoe life, while still maintaining maxiumum board feel. If you like doing a lot of footbraking, we'd recommend using the Standard on the rear foot for extended footbraking power.

No more sketchy footbrakes with your fresh grippy soles, and best of all, no more wearing through brand new soles in just a session or two. Get the most out of your shoes and check out the Rogers Bros Footbrake Soles.

Rough up the side you're going to stick to your shoe and then spread a thin layer of ShoeGoo or contact cement on both the brake sole and shoe sole. Place your shoe on top and let it dry, we'd recommend waiting at least 24hours.

Finally, cut off the excess material and go skate! These things will slow you down smoothly, quietly, and with minimal wear. They also work great on new or used shoes!


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