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The Skiffs are made for everyone who wants to go fast on a small board. Arguably one of the best small soft Rollen for freestyle and around the town shredding. Poured with Happy Thane, these Rollen are fast and slide like butter.
Härte: 80a (orange) 83a (purple) 86a (yellow)
Durchmesser: 62 mm
Breite: 35 mm
Lauffläche: 25 mm
Core Position: Centerset
Edge: Round
Use: Freeride, City Slashing, Freestyle, Dance
Sie erhalten ein kostenloses Sickboards-T-Shirt, wenn Sie für mehr als 150 Euro bestellen.
Wir haben einen eigenen Parkplatz direkt vor der Tür
Sie erhalten kostenlosen Versand nach Benelux und Deutschland, wenn Sie für mehr als 100 Euro bestellen. n
Sie können Ihr unbenutztes Produkt innerhalb von 100 Tagen zurückgeben (siehe unsere Richtlinie).
Weltweiter Versand, kostenlos für Bestellungen über 300 € (Asien 600 €).
This wheel is made for everyone who likes to skate anything and everything. Small enough to let you pop high on street boards, soft enough to slow you down the hill and ride smoothly on rough pavements. The pink AF core helps them with roll speed and even wear.
Orange - Smoothest riding, best grip, buttery slides, wears down fastest
Purple - Middle ground, easier to kick out and longer life than oranges.
Yellow - Slidy, lasts for days.
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Very limited use
I bought them tricked by Otang videos where people use them for Freeride and dancing ... Thinking that you can you them for everything else than pool skating with short boards, the feeling is bad and I won't recommend them for FR and dancing, if you have a big skateboard you can you them but perhaps spitfire will do a better job...
I've skated the 86a and damn they're fun, the small contactpatch make it unbelievably easy to push out slides and you glide for days. but for their size they actually grip quite much, they slid really long and all but they still grip a very very tiny bit. They are perfect for allaround skateing scince you can pretty much do everything on them. Thats why I'd recommend them on a single or doublekick board so you can experience everything that this wheel has to give you. I rode it with the Loaded Overland and that was sick af
Paired this wheels with Landyatchz ATV ditch life, and I was deep in love by them. Great feeling, great for sliding and the around skateboard life. Had the 86A and, sincerely, will get a new set of wheels.